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Wellbeing & Mindfulness Activities
“Grab pen and paper, find somewhere with limited distractions, and get comfy.”
“A perfect way to spend a mindful, creative few hours”
“I realised why lions are the most calm and collected animal in the jungle”
“The only thing that would help me relax before bed was an old story about a sleepy train”
Our latest Melva blogs

Creative Activities for wellbeing by Sofia Barton
We believe having access to creative opportunities is fundamental to living happy healthy lives.
Creativity is closely linked to positive mental well-being. It’s a powerful outlet for self-expression, helps process emotions and reduces stress. Thanks to Healthier Together North East, we commissioned artist Sofia Barton to design a few creative activities for families and young people in our Mortal Fools community.

Mortal Fools Wellbeing Resource
Team Mortal Fools – the creators of Melva – have pulled together a downloadable resource to signpost to a wide variety of wellbeing and mental health support organisations, inspirational influencers, courageous activists, and colourful content creators.

North East Businesses Muckle LLP and Ryder Architecture gift mental health support to the region’s children through creative intervention programme MELVA.
A unique programme supporting children aged 7-11 years with their mental health has secured the backing of two of the region’s most prominent businesses

MELVA: An Investment in Children & An ESG Opportunity for Businesses & Socially Engaged Leaders
Children’s charity Mortal Fools, believe businesses must go further and faster, to build a better world for the future and unlock crucial, urgent support for children and young people in our communities

Award winning local organisations join forces to reduce the number of North East children reaching mental health crises
Young people’s charities Children North East and Mortal Fools are working with 14 North East schools offering support via a new project called ‘Worrit Warriors’ specifically targeting children facing challenges with their mental health.

Filming Melva – Actress Katie Powell tells us all!
How did it feel to return to acting after months and months away from your acting career? What was it like performing in a COVID secure theatre in 2021? How did it feel being a part of a theatre production, reimagined for film? And what does Billie Piper have to do with all of this?
Well, we caught up with Melva actress Katie Powell to find out all of this, and much more…

Top Tips from Melva Writer, Danielle Burn, for National Writing Day
23rd June is National Writing Day – a day all about celebrating and championing writing! National Writing Day is an annual celebration of the power of writing creatively, inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try writing for fun and self-expression.

Pandemic Worrits and things to help
The global pandemic has turned all our lives upside down, especially for children and young people. Whilst a glimmer of hope is on the horizon – with the vaccine and the world opening up again – the next few months remain full of unknowns and a world forever changed. This change and uncertainty means it is an anxious time for young people and this was really brought home to us recently….
Behind the Scenes
Everyone has worrits… even our cast and crew!
A look into how Melva’s Mountain Adventure was made

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